1, 2, Buckle my shoe.
3, 4 Shut the door.
5, 6 Pick up sticks.
7, 8 Lay them straight.
9, 10 A big fat hen!

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
Body Tracing
Need: A child, Large bulletin board paper, crayon or pencil
Directions: Have each child to lie on a large piece of paper. Trace the child's body and let each child decorate his/her tracing
Dramatic Play : My Body (Doctors' Office)
In an area set up a Doctor's Office. Display a "Doctors' Office" sign. Provide dress-up props such as white jackets, doctor bags and stethoscopes. Set out pads of pretend prescription forms along with brochures outlining good health habits (eating proper foods, brushing teeth, getting lots of exercise, etc.). Let the children take turns being doctors. Have them "write" prescriptions and discuss the good-health brochures with their patients.
Circle Time Activity
Counting Body Parts
Have the children find different parts of their body. As a group, count how many of each part you have. For example, a child might say "fingernails". All of the group will find their fingernails and count them
Body Part Riddles
Say riddles to the children such as, "I'm thinking of the body part that you put your socks and shoes over. What is it?" or "It's on your face. You us it to eat and talk with. What is it?"
Watch Carefully
Have a child come to the front of the circle. Have him/her stand still. Then whisper a body part to him/her. All of the children should watch carefully. S/he briefly moves that part and then stands quietly again. The children call out which body part s/he moved.
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letrum letrum letrum o la la la
letrum letrum letrum o la la la
Burung kakaktua
Lagu tiga kupang
Saku penuh padi
Enam ekor burung
Masuk dalam kuali
Bila sudah masak
Burung nyanyi saja
Tentu sedap makan
Beri pada raja
Raja dalam rumah
Buat kira-kira
Suri dalam dapur
Makan roti gula hey !
Dayang tepi kolam
Mahu jemur tepung
Datang burung hitam
Patuk batang hidung